Montag, Juni 30, 2008

Movies KW 26/2008 (23.06. - 29.06.08)

Die Fremde in Dir (US 2007)
Mit Jodie Foster. Starke schauspielerische Leistung. Die Parteiname des Films pro Selbstjustiz halte ich allerdings für sehr bedenklich ... (6 von 10)

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Dr Starling move over - I found Jodie Foster's next movie Oscar-winning role! Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor who wrote ""My Stroke of Insight"" and delivered a talk about it on that will knock your socks off! The video's been seen 5 million times and I understand why.

Taylor was a Harvard trained brain scientist who suffered a massive stroke. I don't think we'll ever hear a story like this - Taylor understands how the brain functions and she was able to observe her mind deteriorating. She writes about the euphoric nirvana and a sense of complete peace and well-being she discovered in her stroke! She talks about this in her incredible (don't miss it) talk on The book is great too - highly recommended. You'll learn how to 'step to the right of their left brain' to uncover a deep internal peace. Sign me up!